Humans=Ocean acidification=Biosphere and geosphere harmed=We all fall. UDAS is an idea now!
Ocean acidification today is a massive problem involving the dissolution of carbon dioxide in the ocean surface, causing a chain reaction leading to a more acidic environment. This process is already well-developed, and if humans continue greenhouse gas emissions in their current state, the world ecosystem and all Earth life will be devastated [1].
Previous research showed possible solutions using electrolytic dissolution of silicate minerals to raise the pH; however, this approach is extremely invasive and likely breaks down existing compounds in the seawater, and requires large quantities of energy [2].
My new approach is described in the design of my device, called the Underwater De-Acidification System (UDAS). UDAS will directly combat the effects of ocean acidification and calcification in small, relatively isolated bodies of water by processing seawater. Its system will use chemical reactions with molecules designed to soak up and neutralize acids, and will require a liquid centrifuge to stratify and separate the protein-sized waste products.
Some improvements to this design could be a higher proton and acid capture density of the compound, and the use of an advanced liquid centrifuge more geared towards sub-micron sized particles to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental advantage of the system.
[1] Scott C. Doney, Victoria J. Fabry, Richard A. Feely, and Joan A. Kleypas, “Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem”, Annual Review of Marine Science, Vol. 1, 169-192 (2009) [2] Greg H. Rau, Susan A. Carroll, William L. Bourcier, Michael J. Singleton, Megan M. Smith, and Roger D. Aines, “Direct electrolytic dissolution of silicate minerals for air CO2 mitigation and carbon-negative H2 production”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 110, 10095-10100 (2013)